50th NE Ohio General Service Mini Conference
Best Western Plus, 15471 Royalton Rd, Strongsville, OH 44136
View the Mini Conference flyer HERE
. REGISTER HERE for the Mini Conference
Click HERE for the MC schedule and other documents – OR use the QR code
What is the purpose of the Area 54 Mini-Conference?
This Mini-Conference was developed to give our Delegate the informed conscience of the groups in Area 54— Northeast Ohio – on some of the agenda items that will be addressed at the General Service Conference. Due to time constraints, it is not possible to address all of the agenda of the General Service Conference. The selected agenda is mailed to the registered General Service Representatives (GSRs) of the groups in advance. The group can discuss the issues and send their group’s conscience to the Mini-Conference via their GSR. At the Mini- Conference the issues are discussed with GSRs from many groups throughout Area 54. Using the committee system and voting procedures described in the AA Service Manual, a consensus is reached. This consensus is taken to the General Service Conference by our delegate, who still maintains the right of decision described in the Twelve Concepts.
The Mini-Conference will also feature displays and information provided by the Area 54 Standing Committees and a variety of ways for a GSR to share with others committed to their service to others. GSRs can meet a General Service Board trustee, a staff member from the General Service Office and the Area Committee. There are also sharing sessions for GSRs and an Ask-it-basket hosted by past delegates, the trustee and GSO staff member.