
The Archives Committee preserves the history of A.A. in Area 54 by collecting, preserving and indexing all records and group histories. Displays the archives at the NE Ohio Mini Conference and other functions as requested by the Delegate. Maintains contact with the Area Archivist.

We have some really informative projects to start and complete, and are looking for people that are interested in meeting other people, starting new projects, and working together with them to complete them, even if they don’t complete them, as long as they left it better than they found it. Leaving it for those who follow us.

How Can You Help ?
A great deal of our unwritten history is stored in the experiences of our older, long-time members. As a means of preserving this aspect we have an Oral Histories Project of taping a conversation with these long-timers. Everyone can contribute to our project by taking some time to interview and tape our fellow members. Here is a guideline for taking oral histories and a set of questions for the interviewer. We appreciate all the help we can get in this enormous undertaking!

Mission Statement
To preserve the AA message and carry it to other alcoholics.

To preserve the history of Northeast Ohio Area 54 by collecting, classifying, preserving, and making available material in order to educate, inspire and to prevent distortion of our heritage.

Provide information services to assist the Committees, Panel, and Area Delegate.

To foster development of AA Archives within NE Ohio and to cooperate with and support other AA archives and archivists working within AA’s service structure, the 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts.

We welcome the submission of District histories, minutes, and any other pieces of AA history from around our Area. Every effort has and will be made to preserve these items for posterity.

Revolving Display
We attempt to present a revolving display of items of interest at Area functions such as Area Assemblies and Mini-Conferences. We have also participated in the 2nd and 3rd National AA Archives Workshops held in Akron in 1997 and 1998.

Cooperating Efforts
Akron Intergroup

Akron Archives

Cleveland District Office

Chair:       Jim S.

Archivist:  Crystal J.